1979 - 81- BARCELONA- Stories for La Gaya Ciència, Bruguera and Barcanova publishers.
1981- 85 - PARÍS- Stories, text book, medical guide and children magazines for Hatier publishers, Fleurus - Presse,
Les Éditions de l'Amitié and Presse de la Cité.
1985 - 86 - QUITO (Equador)- Collective exhibition for advertising and press.
1987- 1988 - BARCELONA- Text books for Edebé, Vicens Vives publishers and THEMA (publishing agency)
1989 - SANTIAGO DE CHILE- Stories and chidrens health guide for the following publishers: Andrés Bello, Salo,
Editorial Universitaria and the magazine "Diners Club Internacional" in Santiago de Chile
1990 - 2012 - SPAIN- Stories, text books, teaching material and advertising for Edicions de La Magrana publishers,
Thema, NOU MIX, Onda, KÒNIC, Destino, Comunicación y Publicaciones, Integración y Métodos,
Barcanova, Vicens Vives, Teide, Grijalbo, HYMSA, Casa Santiveri, Anaya, Euro RSCG, SEGER/CLÉ, ................Parramón, Cruïlla, La Galera, Enciclopèdia Catalana, "¿Qué leer?" magazine, Grup Promotor-Santillana, ................Hermes-Castellnou, Edebé, RBA, Cavall Fort magazine, Joventut, NOVARTIS Laboratories, Grupo SM, ................Editorial Casals, Alfaguara, Baula, McGraw Hill, Bromera, Edelvives, Ajuntament d’Horta-Guinardó, ................Fundación + Árboles and República de Cursiva.
2008 - 2012 - 11 books for the collection “La Xara i el Pau”, published by per l’Àrea d’Espais Naturals de la Diputació ................de Barcelona & Editorial Mediterrània and included in the programme “Viu el Parc” (Living the Parc)
2003 - Berguedà County Council. Fotointerpretation tasks in the Inventory of Public Rights of Way of Berguedà County"
2004 – Illustration workshop in Gironella primary school
2008 - “L’Eloi vol uns pares” (in collaboration with the author Charo Díez) 2th position in Parcir Prize for Children ............Illustration Published by Edicions de l’Albí (Berga)